Top 5 Gainer in August 2015 in India – Car Sales Analysis

In Top 5 Cars Gained in August 2015 list, some cars seen exceptional growth

Today, yet again, we have numbers of the top 5 cars that have gained momentum when compared to last year. The cars and numbers are shocking in both positive and in some case not that great. Let’s find out then who stands on the podium

3Skoda Yeti

Skoda Yeti India

Coming to the Germans or let’s call it Czech. The Yeti is a fantastic car, very versatile with its performance and practicality that it offers. However, Indians love their large SUV’s and hence is one core reasons why Yeti does not sell. Last year it sold only 6 units and this year it sold 15 units. Well, that is an increase in the percentage (150%), but nowhere near what it deserves. Hope Skoda has plans to make the car may be more value so it can attract customers.