The final deadline was May this year to finalize specifications and EESL decided to scrap the tender for 10,000 e-Cars after further delay
Indian government wants electric mobility to become primary mode of choice for customers to reduce pollution. But the country is not yet evolved to become an EV nation and the government doesn’t have a proper plan. In other countries, government gives incentives and reduces tax to attract people towards EVs.
Even though manufacturers are planning to bring EV models to India, the problem is with government plans. To promote EV, Energy Efficiency Service (EESL) decided to buys EVs for top government officials. In first phase, they bought 350 units from Tata Motors and 150 units from Mahindra.
But these cars come with small electric motors and performance was average along with range of around 100-120 km, which is very low for an EV. These government officials decided not to use these EVs on the back of range and performance. The specifications were set by EESL and given to manufacturers, even though they have better technology.
In second phase, EESL was expected to order 10,000 e-cars. The specifications for charger and battery were expected to be finalized by April last year but it was put on hold and another meeting was held on August last year also. EESL was waiting for clarification from Department of Science and Technology (DST) to finalize the specifications.
The final deadline was May this year, which was not met and EESL decided to scrap the tender for 10,000 e-Cars. Once they get details of specifications from DST, EESL will float a new tender. The current tender had 20 percent share for higher end and upgraded sedan category, which will help manufacturers like Nissan, Hyundai and Kia to introduce there respective EV models to India.
DST is expected to finalize charging formats soon and automakers will have to follow these proposed specification. This could go either way as it could benefit some manufacturers depending on the charging format they use currently for their cars. The Tigor EV and e-Verito is compatible with Bharat EV charger AC-001 and DC-001 formats.