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Vehicles Without Rear View Mirrors & Rear Seatbelts To Be Prosecuted In Delhi

Published by
Surendhar M

The absence of rear view mirrors while riding two wheelers and the negligence over rear seat belts will be monitored and prosecuted in Delhi

A statement released by the DCP, Traffic, Western Range, Delhi read that a “very high number” of two-wheeler riders are riding with the rear view mirrors removed across Delhi. It leads to dangerously blocking the vehicles coming from behind and while switching lanes, it is far difficult in fast paced situations as several accidents happen due to negligence.

Aptly labelled “irresponsible”, the order also mentioned the “very little compliance” with the provisions for use of rear seat belts in cars. In India, the government mandates the presence of seatbelt reminders for the driver as well as the front seat passengers, and thus most of the occupants would not bother about buckling their safety belts and this could lead to fatal scenarios.

The statement also highlighted that this reflects “poor awareness amongst the residents on this crucial safety measure” to prevent loss of lives in high emergency situations. In a move to reduce accidents and discourage dangerous driving and not following proper regulations that are already prescribed, the two acts will be subjected to prosecution from here on.

The Office of the DCP also mentioned that a special drive would be conducted monitoring the riders without rear view mirrors and passengers without wearing rear seatbelts between January 13 and January 23. It would be conducted in the jurisdiction of western Range/Traffic Delhi and a detailed report will be sent on daily basis to the office.

It is good to see the traffic police taking initiatives to prosecute the offenders. Several drivers in India are notorious for their indiscipline driving/riding habits and consequently the accident and death rates are on a high. Strict regulations and punishments are needed to reduce the lethargic activities we see everyday on our roads including jumping the signals and not respecting speed limits.

In addition, climbing past the guard rails as shortcuts from pedestrians and not sticking to the right lane while on highways need addressing as well. With the number of automobiles increasing on day-to-day basis, it is key to impose laws that demand a lot from the violators.

Published by
Surendhar M