maruti baleno-30

2022 Maruti Baleno Vs Honda Jazz – Comprehensive Specs Comparison

This here is a detailed spec-sheet comparison between Honda Jazz and the recently-launched Maruti Suzuki Baleno facelift The “new age” Maruti Baleno went on sale...

Upcoming Royal Enfield Scram 411 Vs Yezdi Scrambler – Specs Comparison

Here, we have an on-paper comparison between the upcoming Royal Enfield Scram 411 and its biggest rival, Yezdi Scrambler Royal Enfield is all set to...
vw virtus vs honda city

Volkswagen Virtus Vs Honda City – Detailed Specs Comparison

Check out our on-paper comparison between the newly-unveiled Volkswagen Virtus and its biggest rival in our market, Honda City Volkswagen Virtus was recently unveiled for...
Volkswagen Virtus Vs Skoda Slavia

Volkswagen Virtus Vs Skoda Slavia – Detailed Specs Comparison

Here, we have a spec-sheet comparison of the newly-revealed Volkswagen Virtus and its mechanical twin, Skoda Slavia Volkswagen India recently debuted the Virtus sedan in...
2022 Maruti Wagon-R Vs Tata Tiago

2022 Maruti Wagon-R Vs Tata Tiago – Detailed Specs Comparison

Check out our comprehensive specifications comparison between the newly-updated Maruti Wagon-R and Tata Tiago Maruti Suzuki recently updated the Wagon-R in India. The tallboy hatchback...

2022 Maruti Baleno Vs Volkswagen Polo – Detailed Specs Comparison

Here, we have compared the spec sheets of the new Maruti Baleno with one of the best driver’s cars in the Indian market, Volkswagen...
2022 Maruti Baleno Vs Tata Altroz

2022 Maruti Baleno Vs Tata Altroz – Comprehensive Specs Comparison

Check out our spec-sheet comparison of the newly-updated Maruti Baleno with Tata Altroz, to know which of the two is a better deal on...
Maruti Baleno sigma vs delta

2022 Maruti Baleno Sigma (Base Variant) Vs Delta Trim – Video

Here, we compare the base (Sigma) trim of Maruti Baleno with the next-in-line trim (Delta), to know which offers more value for your money Maruti...