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Bosch, Daimler and car2go start pilot project for automated parking

Published by
Team GaadiWaadi

Bosch, Daimler and car2go collaborates to start pilot project for automated parking in a car park.

The project goal being, if future cars could look for their designated spaces in a parking lot and return to their space by driving themselves by using a smartphone app, that’s amazing isn’t it? A contract was signed on the 8 June, 2015 between all three entities to revolutionize the parking process.

The automated parking is designed keeping in mind that, it is not the customer who is parking of searching for the car. It is the vehicle which does the magic which finds a free space without help of any manual intervention and then drives back by itself comfortably. This is made possible by an intelligent car park infrastructure and a vehicle control unit from Bosch in collaboration with newest generation of Mercedes-Benz on-board sensors and the car-sharing expertise of car2go. Folks, this is the future of car parks.

“Our customers are always the centre of attention and all of our actions are oriented towards them. In future the car will even go to them”, explains Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, Member of the Board Daimler AG, responsible for Group Research & Mercedes-Benz Cars Development. “In collaboration with our partner Bosch and our mobility service car2go we are developing and testing an infrastructure-based solution for a fully automated valet parking service. For us another step on our way to autonomous driving – or as in this case: towards autonomous parking!”

“Fully automated parking will be ready for mass-production before fully automated driving”, says Dr. Dirk Hoheisel, the responsible Board Member of Bosch. “Low driving speeds and the information from the car park infrastructure enable a fast implementation.”

Both Bosch and Mercedes-Benz needs to adapt to various technologies like the parking space occupancy sensors, cameras and the communication technology to have this project successfully completed to inform the world that innovation has no limits.

Published by
Team GaadiWaadi